Low calorie Tiramisu
Low calorie version of the classic dessert Tiramisu. To reduce the calories the recipe uses low fat curd cheese and liquid sweetener. If you would like only a hint of alcohol use 1 tablespoon for a stronger flavour use 2. Use your favourite spirt of either Grappa, Cognac or Whiskey.
- low fat curd cheese/ Magerquark (10% to 20% fat or lower) - 500g
- cold strong good quality coffee - 150ml
- spirit of choice - 1 to 2 tablespoons
- sponge fingers - 1 packet
- liquid artificial sweetener e.g Nutreen - Use equivalent of 100g of sugar amount depends on brand
- cocoa powder (de-oiled) - 2 heaped teaspoons
The Tiramisu can be easily prepared in about 15-20 min.:
- mix the cold coffee with the equivalent of 50g liquid sweetener and 1 - 2 tablespoons of your chosen spirit. ( 1 for a hint of spirits flavour, with 2 you get a strong flavour)
- mix the low fat curd cheese with the equivalent of 50g liquid sweetener
- roll the big sponge fingers quickly 4 times in the coffee / spirits mixture and arrange them in a flat dish
- spread 1/2 of the curd cheese mixture over the layer of sponge fingers
- put the second layer of the saturated sponge fingers on top of the curd cheese mixture
- cover the second layer of sponge fingers with the other half of your curd cheese mixture
- spread the cocoa powder with a tea strainer over the curd cheese layer
Keep it covered in the fridge overnight or at least 5 hours.
This is a low calorie Tiramisu. Tiramisu is my favourite Dessert. I started experimenting on a low fat and low sugar version when my husband had pancreas problems. The “Original” would be with mascarpone, eggs, sugar, Amaretto … and I tried to replace these ingredients without losing the typical taste. You can also use organic sponge fingers on a cane sugar base, but they are usually thinner and dryer than the “conventional” ones.
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