Guide to submitting a recipe



A big thank you for wanting to submit a recipe. This page contains a guide to submitting a recipe on Bakingbeash.


Please can you ensure that the recipe is in your own words. Google checks websites for copied content and penalises them when conducting web searches. Don’t worry about adding the nutritional information, most of us can tell if a recipe is healthy or not. It would be great to have a bit of a background story as to why you particularly like this recipe or how you developed it. Some of the greatest recipes have been made by accident such as Tarte Tatin and Eton Mess.


sub3Please can you use your own pictures. A lot of images on the web are protected by copyright. It also makes it more personal and gives us a better feel for what a non professional can achieve. A lot of published pictures aren’t really food at all!

The website will let you submit one picture. If you would to submit more you can send them to me at:


I have written the address like that to protect me from the spambots. Its a big problem I got 12 bogus members within the first day of the website being registered with Google.



After you submit the recipe it gets sent to me. I will have a look at it and let you know if I have any questions. If you aren’t sure of the English phrase for something, write it in the original language and we will try and work it out with the help of my friends. I will also add some back end code and potentially some additional words to the description to make easier to be found by search engines.


sub5The recipe will then be posted with your username as the author. If you would like to change your username this can be done on the “change details” page, under “login” on the menu bar.





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