Light Blueberry Tartlets
Light Blueberry tartlets, low sugar and fat.
- Medium fat curd cheese 20% - 250g
- Puff pastry (normal or “light” pastry) - 1 roll
- Egg - 1 medium size
- Mixed cereals (Müsli) - 3 tablespoons
- Liquid artificial sweetener e.g. Natreen - equivalent of 75 g of sugar amount, depends on brand
- Butter - 1 heaped tablespoon, for the muffin form
- Semolina, Dinkel or Hafergries - 3 tablespoons, for the muffin form
- Fresh blueberries - 100 g
- Vanilla - ½ teaspoon of seeds from a vanilla bean or from a vanilla mill, e.g. Dr. Oetker
For the pastry
1. Mix the curd cheese with the egg and the artificial sweetener and add 3 tablespoons of mixed cereals (Musli). Leave it to rest for 10 minutes.
2. Prepare the tin by spreading a fine layer of butter into the opening and sprinkle the Gries on it in order to keep the pastry from sticking. If you haven't got Gries or semolina a light dusting of flour will also work.
3. Preheat the oven to Fan 180 degrees Centigrade
4. Lightly dust your work surface with flour and unroll the pastry. If you have a 6 hole muffin tin, cut a round of pastry with a glass or cutter that covers the cavity of each muffin form upto the middle. Press the pastry gently into the cavity. Fill the pastry upto ¾ with the curd cheese mixture, it will spread slightly.
5. Bake the Tartlets for 20 minutes. Put the fresh blueberries on top and let bake them for another 5 min. By this time the pastry should be a golden brown. Take the tin out of the oven and let the tartlets cool down. They will flatten a bit on cooling. Remove them from the muffin tin. They can be eaten lukewarm or cold.
This a simple recipe for Light Blueberry Tartlets. If you are really watching your calories you could use light puff pastry, but the taste is much better from the full fat version. For the filling it uses low fat curd cheese and artificial sweetener to make this a low GI / sugar dessert.
I like puff pastry very much, because one can cook ad hoc either sweet or salty dishes, e.g. apple or spinach strudel, sweet or salty tartlets for a party. Always have a roll of puff pastry in your fridge!
As an alternative to Blueberries you can use apricot or strawberry jam with bits of fruits.
Baking Beash gives a big thank you to Silver screen for posting this recipe. It is definitely a lot lower sugar and fat recipe than the ones I normally use and it looks great. I will be baking it soon. If you want to make 12 mini tartlets you can use same technique as in my leek and cheese tartlets for the pastry. You can sprinkle the pastry with cinnamon if you like. Check them after 20 minutes, they might be ready after this time if making smaller tartlets.
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