Nutribullet Smoothies
A few ideas for Nutribullet Smoothies
- Wash and chop your chosen fruit and veg.
- Add to the cup
- Leafy veg first, then fruit, seeds and then nuts. Don't fill above the max line.
- It is essential that you add some liquid, so far I've only used water, this protects the blender.
- Screw on the top of the blender.
- Flip over and place on the blender and blend.
My mum has kindly bought me a Nutribullet blender for a present. For those of you that don’t know it, it is a power blender that is great for creating a combination of vegetable and fruit smoothies. It is an easy way to get you on your way to “five a day”. Starting with one of these smoothies is a great way to start the day. Smoothies are great way of getting nutrients, you get the benefit of the vitamins and the fibre as well which helps keep you fuller for longer.
The concept of the nutribullet smoothies is to add a cup of leafy veggies, some fruit, some nuts or seeds, water and blend away. I am going to attempt to add a few smoothie ideas over the weeks. I will try and come up with some new alternatives. Hope you will like them and give them a try.
Let me know if you have any combinations that you would like to share. I am trying to see how many good tasting smoothies I can come up with.
Day 1
My first attempt at a Nutribullet Smoothie inspired by their recipe collection. The apple and the banana hid the the taste of the kale. Love the colour and tasted fine. Obviously this won’t taste as great as an all berry smoothie but is much better for you. I would have it again.
1 apple chopped cored and seeds removed but leave on skin for extra fibre
1 small banana
4 walnuts
1 teaspoon each of chia and flax/linseeds
3/4 to 1 cup of water
Day 2
This was my second smoothie attempt. This smoothie is inspired by my Nana Rita’s first trip to America. Orange squash in the UK is a fruit cordial drink that you dilute with water. My Nana asked for one and the cafe she was visiting brought her out a butternut squash. Now if she was in was in trendy California now this smoothie could be what she would get. As well as a great colour it also tastes great as well. If you like you could also add some cinnamon to the drink.
1 peeled and chopped carrot
2 peeled clementines
1 teaspoon each of chia and flax/linseeds
1 to 2 cm sliced fresh ginger
3/4 to 1 cup water
Day 3
This smoothie didn’t taste good. Nutribullet say that you can blend whole citrus fruit. I added half a lemon to a kale and cucumber and apple smoothie. Unfortunately the lemon’s skin was a bit too bitter. I will have a try with a lime instead which has a thinner skin later in the week.
Day 4
This was my fourth attempt at a great tasting smoothie. This one is inspired by red velvet cupcakes. A lot of healthy cupcakes use beetroot (roete beete) to make the red colour. This smoothie still had a hint of beetroot flavour but also a hint of chocolate which gave it good flavour. Beetroot is a great superfood and a lot of sportsmen take it to help with their stamina, I used a pre cooked version.
1 large piece of cooked beetroot
1 banana
1/4 to 1/2 cup mixed berries
1 tablespoon of cocoa nibs
1 teaspoon each of chia and linseeds
3/4 to 1 cup of water
Day 5
Great tasting smoothie inspired by one of my favourite Cocktails. I really liked the coconut in this smoothie.
10cm of cucumber
1/4 to 1/2 cup of pineapple
1 to 2 tablespoons dessicated coconut
1 teaspoon each of chia and linseeds
3/4 to 1 cup of water
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